Victor Ray Greenwood. Atoka, Oklahoma.

Missing Since
Missing From
Atoka, Oklahoma
Endangered Missing
36 years old
Height and Weight
5'3 - 6'0, 130 - 150 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics
African-American male. Black hair, brown eyes.

Details of Disappearance
Greenwood was last seen in Atoka, Oklahoma on January 9, 2002. He went for his daily walk near his home, never returned and has never been heard from again. He left all his belongings behind at home.

Greenwood received Social Security checks through a payee at the time of his disappearance. He hasn't picked up any of his checks since his disappearance, and may have only had $10 when he was last seen. Few details are available in his case.

Investigating Agency
Atoka Police Department 580-889-3250
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation 1-800-522-8017 

Help find Victor Ray Greenwood- Missing from Oklahoma